Grim (Skull in Spain, Pure West Latin America), is one of the main characters in The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy American animated series. His voice in English is performed by Greg Eagles, Latin America by Alejandro Vargas Lugo and Spain by Héctor Cantolla.
It is death, a living skeleton with a black tunic and a magic sickle also possesses a magical Baul containing supernatural elements.
Skull always dreamed of becoming a Country Rock singer, but his father forced him to death as he was. Later, his father began to be a fan of Country Rock and stopped paying attention to PCalavera. It became a country singer to attract the attention of his father, but he discovered that he did not like much. Found Edition sickle and began to be death. Independent making him believe his father was Country Rock singer.
Skull came to the Institute knowing Velma, her best friend and Princess spider, and Coco his greatest rival, who made her skull shenanigans. As they progressed in the course, elections for the post of death, which pointed skull, Velma and Coco was organized at the Institute. The latter began to cheat at the polls. Skull caught him, and after a fight, Coco ended up locked in an Egyptian tomb. Velma heard the ROAR and went to the room of the URN, where the match occurred. Skull began to cheat to win Velma. It saw him, and confused, thought that traps made them to win it, so we are angered and was, ceasing to be friends with skull. During the election of the winner, skull, in a fit of anger, grabbed the prototype of the sickle and banished the CoCo by having ruined his friendship with Velma. Being the only candidate left, won the election, being since death.
Skull appeared in Billy House to take Mr. grim. Mandy bet the hamster life and friendship of pure bone in a game of limbo in the realm of limbo. Skull lost and was doomed to be the best friend of Billy and Mandy forever, since if you breach the treatment you have with them, shall be locked in a prison in the underworld. Since then, skull fails very well with their work by guilty of Billy and Mandy.
It will be the helper private Mandy, slave who became the mistress of the planet sneak her plans to betray together with a group of rebels, but in a rebel attack attempt, fail.
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